

ObSkewer Games

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Please be aware that starting with Early Access release 460 and 1.4.1675, YoYo have stripped the normal IAP implementation on Android and you now need to include Google and/or Amazon's SDK in your project (depending on which platforms you want to publish on) in order to enable IAP support, plus the GGS option to enable/disable IAPs on Android is gone. I'll look into adding these SDKs in a future version, but this will require a price increase, so buy at this price while you can! ;)

Want to integrate IAPs into your game? EasyIAPeasy makes this... well, easy!

EasyIAPeasy automates all the setup and ensures you have a selection of easily-recognisable global variables to then call in your game. You simply add your IAP product names into an included text file, and the scripts and controller object do all the rest on game start-up - EasyIAPeasy supports every marketplace GM: Studio does.

The demo shows how purchase details can be saved in a secure save format file, so you can confirm locally whether the player bought an IAP previously and ensure they don't see unnecessary purchase attempts and get the content they expected unlocked each time. The demo also shows how to easily restore purchases for your customers or allow them to do it on-demand via an in-game button.

All this makes setting up your purchases a matter of minutes per IAP and adding purchase buttons just a line of code. Easy!

Package includes a full demo system and an extensive readme with platform-specific "gotchas" you should be aware of, plus lots of debug output, so you can learn the framework before you start to integrate it into your app.

The demo is published on Google Play, Amazon and WP8 marketplaces, so you can even "try before you buy"!


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End User Licence Agreement (EULA).

Age Rating: None


GMS1 - Version 3.5.0. Published July 5, 2015

V3.5 - Important fixes! * Fixes for ds_map crashes when displaying debug text in recent GM releases. * Fixes for proper "result" data from consume and restore events. * Support for Mac OS X puchases being found by iapSuccess without you having to add Mac-specific switch cases. * Fixed some comments and added autocomplete help for the scripts. * com.obskewer.EasyIAPeasy line in productList.txt is now obsolete, noted this in docs.

Please note that our website is currently down. A replacement will be coming soon, so support links will update when we know the new values. For now, if you have a bug, please continue to use the contact button here on the Marketplace.

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