
Angle Calculation


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Ever wanted to make a sloped platformer? Want your player to turn to the angle of the slope, and modify their speed and movement direction based on the angle of the ground? Those angles are tough aren't they, how do you find them on a random drawn shape?

Well struggle no more, with these scripts you will be able to find the surface angle of any shaped terrain that your player is touching. There are many ways to do this, this is simply one of them.

Rule: Ensure any curved (non-rectangular) mask/sprite has a precise collision mask. Demo controls: Move 'player' object with arrow keys. Use mouse to move a circle collision block.

Does not include a platformer engine.

End User Licence Agreement (EULA).

Age Rating: None


GMS1 - Version 3.0.0. Published August 21, 2014

Better demo controls and precision option.

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