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When the player clicks on the window border (Non-client area) of the game window, because he wants to move/resize the game window, that might disrupt the game flow on Windows and de-sync certain elements of the game, like cutscenes or rhythm games, as the game window does not fire the focus lost event in those cases.

This small Windows extension provides a way to detect that, however it will send the event after the action is complete due to GMS' thread pausing, but you can re-sync your game's elements using delta_time and e.g. show a Pause Screen

It will detect when the player:

  • Clicks on the window titlebar

  • Resizes the window using the border

  • Moves the window

  • Clicks on the Minimize, Maximize button or window Icon

  • Right clicks on the titlebar and shows the window Context Menu

Supported platforms: Windows

End User Licence Agreement (EULA).

Age Rating: None


GMS1 - Version 1.0.0. Published June 13, 2017

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